How To Get The Best Deals at REI

Over the last few years, I’ve been slowly trying to expand my outdoor collection of equipment and apparel. But let me tell you, nice outdoor gear isn’t cheap. 💸
One of my favorite stores to shop at for these items is REI. I love the variety of products they sell, the services they provide, and even the way they organize their stores. I could literally spend all day browsing and learning about the different outdoor gear they have.
But like I said, most things I’m looking to buy are quite pricey. So one of my favorite places to find good deals on outdoor gear is at REI’s Garage Sales.
REI Garage Sales are basically spaces where the store sells imperfect or used products returned by customers at greatly discounted prices. All of these products have a beige tag that lists the product name, new price, and reason for return. A few examples of these reasons may be that the item didn’t fit well for the original buyer, has a faulty buckle, or has a small tear somewhere.
I for one am a huge fan of this re-sell model because it’s a win-win for everyone. Unsatisfied customers can return their items even after lightly using them for a full refund, REI reduces the number of products that would otherwise go to waste (and as a bonus, builds love for their brand), and people who don’t necessarily need brand new gear can find what they need at a very good price.
More recently, I’ve noticed my local REI store selling clearance items at the garage sale as well. So now the space is more like a garage sale/outlet. Regardless of this change, I still find great deals.
REI Co-op Long Sleeve: This was my first REI Garage Sale purchase and I was really excited about it. I’ve had this long sleeve for almost 5 years now and it’s still going strong. I use it as a base layer for hiking, camping, skiing, and any outdoor activity.
HOKA Arahi 5 Road-Running Shoes: I’ve never deliberately sought out running shoes since I’m not an avid runner but these chonky sneakers definitely got my attention. At first, I just really liked the colors, that they were my size, and that the sole looked very cushioned.
But I noticed these shoes had a wider than usual toe box which got me really excited. (Ya girl doesn’t have narrow feet.) And when I tried them on, they were so comfortable! I liked everything about these shoes and with the discount, I just had to get them. I’ve used them for walking, running, hiking, and trail running.
Patagonia Baggies Shorts Mens: I've always wanted a pair of Patagonia Baggies for myself because they're so comfortable! While I was browsing and saw the men's version was on clearance so I got them for my boyfriend as a Christmas gift.
REI Co-op Take Your Time ⅞ Leggings: These are a solid pair of leggings. (I can’t have enough of them.) They don’t slide down my hips, are super soft, and aren't too long on me. (I’m 5ft 4in)
Teva ReEmber Slip-Ons: When I came back from my most recent camping trip, I knew that for my future camping trips, I wanted a pair of comfortable, closed toe shoes for when I’m walking around the campsite. My Birks always somehow scoop up dust when I walk in them and my sandals are usually still drying from using them as water shoes.
These Tevas are easy to slip on, keep dust out from my toes, and are very roomy for thick socks. Not to mention they’re in my signature color, olive green.
Salomon S/PRO 100W: After skiing in Colorado for a couple months using a pair of old, but free, ski boots, I felt that it was time for me to get my own. I even had a boot fitting session and found out that the Salomon S/PRO 100W boots fit me the best. But I just couldn’t get myself to purchase them at full price and sales were really hard to come by. So I decided my best option was to check the REI Garage Sale regularly around spring time when ski season was almost over.
Luckily for me, a good number of ski boots appeared at the REI Garage Sale around that time and one of them happened to be a lightly used pair of the Salomon S/PRO 100W in my size! I was super excited when I found them, and though they were still pricey, I didn’t think I was going to find a better deal anywhere else. I’m really stoked to use them this season.
Teva Universal Trail Sandals: Alright, I saved the best for last. These Teva sandals are the most comfortable and versatile pair of shoes I own. I’ve used them for casual walking, as water shoes, and even for moderate to strenuous hikes. (They’ve got a lot of grip!) I hiked the Beehive Trail, Cadillac Mountain (8mi), and Mt Washington (10mi) in these sandals.
With a bit of luck and lots of great balance/foot placement, they got me through all of these hikes uninjured. I’d say that’s a win. I’ve certainly gotten more than my money’s worth of use out of these sandals and they still have a lot of life left in them. They’re the best deal I’ve gotten from REI Garage Sales.
*Not including tax
When I first started hearing about the REI Garage Sales back in 2017, they only occurred during specific times on the weekends and people get to the store early in the morning to be the first in line. Since then, popularity and returned inventory has grown, and my local REI store now has a permanent garage sale in a neighboring unit that’s open during all regular store hours.
I’ve been going for years now and I love how it increases accessibility to outdoor gear for people who may be new to the outdoors or don’t have a ton of money. I will say that one downside of purchasing from the REI Garage Sale is that all sales are final. So you need to make sure the used item you’re buying is to your liking and doesn’t have any serious flaws.
Hope you get a chance to check out one of REI’s Garage Sales because they truly are the best.